Application Process
Scholarship funding requests are provided on a case-by-case basis to qualified men and women, ages 18 and above, who originate from the greater Lehigh Valley and struggle with a primary substance use disorder.
Funding requests will be considered for those qualified individuals who are scheduled to successfully transition from a residential treatment program (ideally of 28 days or more). Or, who are transitioning from successfully completing a detox program and for whom traditional short-term residential treatment programs have not been previously productive.
Only candidates with a demonstrated strong desire to sustain their sobriety, and a willingness to actively participate in a sober living community will be considered for a scholarship.
IMPORTANT - All scholarship funding requests must be submitted by, and received from, a clinical professional, case worker, or other equivalent professionals from the referring facility in which the candidate currently resides.
Applications WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED from outside sources.
Applications will only be considered for those seeking transition into a qualified recovery residence. A qualified recovery residence is one that is:
Licensed or Accredited by a state agency
Certified by a respected organization
Or, is considered to have met the National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR) 'core criteria' for either a Level 2, 3, or 4 residence (click 'Review Core Criteria' button below.)
Note: Bridge Beyond Addiction is the final arbitrator of determining whether a recovery residence meets the qualifications for funding approval.
Upon the completed review of the scholarship application, a Bridge Beyond Addiction Advisory Board member will email the referring professional to notify them of the final determination.
If approved, a confirming email will additionally be sent to the referring professional stating the dollar amount to be funded. Note: scholarships are only paid directly to the approved recovery residence. Funds will not be released to the recovery residence until after confirmation that the applicant has arrived and was admitted into the residence.
Before applying for a grant
Please watch this short video as it will answer many of your frequently asked questions.
Applications will not be accepted if they are submitted greater than seven (7) days prior to the patient being discharged from the facility.
PLEASE FIRST VERIFY that the recovery residence that you are recommending
meets the 'Core Criterior' of either a Level 2, 3, or 4 residence,
Please read BEFORE proceeding:
Please ensure that you have registered with the website. An email confirmation with your username and password will be emailed to you. (If you do not receive the email, please check your spam/junk filters.)
Always login before starting an application.
Once logged in, you will be able to ‘save’ your progress (at bottom of the page).
After each ‘save’ you may need to ‘reload’ or ‘refresh’ your page.
All saved applications will be found at the top of the application page.
To access a saved application, hover the mouse over the date time stamp and a ‘load’ option will appear to the right.
Should you elect to ‘upload’ any documents, any previously uploaded documents will be overwritten.
Upon application submission, a ‘Thank you’ page will appear confirming your submission. Additionally, a copy of the completed application will be emailed to you for your records.
ALWAYS LOG OUT after each session.
Bridge Beyond Addiction is a nonprofit program operating under the fiscal sponsorship of Humanitarian Social Innovations, a 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID: 46-4779591)